Lido Shores Condominium Association
Sarasota, Florida
Casey Condominium Management
Bridget Spence
John Dial,
Emergency Notifications
Sarasota periodically updates its means of emergency notification. This system is used for any planned/unplanned utility outages, local police activity, or similar alerts. You can register for phone, text or email messages by accessing and clicking on the Jurisdiction Map and entering our street address.
The county website also suggests registering for the Everbridge phone app. To sign up, add the app to your smart phone, and create an account. You will be asked to specify a region for updates – we are in the City of Sarasota. For more information about Everbridge, go to
Florida Power and Light notifications remain unchanged, but if you were using another app to obtain general updates, including CODE RED, you will need to make this change.